7 Mindset Qualities That Are Attractive To Employers

Saeed Ahmadi
10 min readJun 1, 2021


What do you think is the most important thing when looking for a new job? The answer to that question can be many things, a perfect CV, an apt skill set, or a great deal of knowledge and experience.

While those things are usually needed or even essential for job positions, the most important thing when looking for a job is to have a strong positive mindset.

At some point in our careers, we have all been frustrated by the high pressure that job interviews bring. Maybe some of us even wish these interviews did not even exist as a step to finding a proper job.

And if we fail in them once or twice, we go on thinking that maybe we can never find a suitable job. To be honest, if you know what prospective employers are looking for, passing interviews and finding a job is actually very easy.

In order to do that, it is best to know what mindset qualities, traits, and characteristics attract employers and what features, in opposition, repel them. So you can develop the former and avoid acting like the latter. Reading this article, you can find out the seven mindset qualities that are attractive to employers.

What is a mindset?

In order to have the positive mindset that gets you the job, you first need to understand the basic concept of mindset. Mindset is how people think. It is how you view your surroundings and events that fill your daily life.

Mindset is the outlook that determines your mental attitude and approach. In any job-hunting event, you are sure to stand out from the competition if you have a strong growth mindset.

There are two main types of mindsets. Some people have a fixed mindset, meaning they believe they are good at something or they are not. And once they think they are not good at something, they give up and accept it as a part of their nature.

They never even imagine making it big in a particular field since they believe they are inherently bad at it. These people think only talent and luck can bring you success and will always feel inferior to people they consider superior in this sense.

In opposition, there are people with a growth mindset, who believe you can be anything you want, and you can be good at something even if you are not born with the needed abilities. To these people, it is not talent and nature that matter; it is perseverance, hard work, alertness, and trial that get you to your dream position.

They do not deny the fact that you may be inadequate for a job, but they believe that being inadequate is only the beginning. If you have a growth mindset, you deeply believe that you are not inherently extraordinary.

However, you take the chances you get and change your circumstances to your content, so you become extraordinary.

It is no need to say which group of people manages to make their dreams come true.

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Which is more critical, mindset or skill set?


Obviously, the world insists on mastering as many skills as you can in your lifetime. But is it enough? As it turns out, most employers look for something beyond being exceptionally skilled in their employees.

In a recent survey among employers, more than 95% admitted that while technical skills are crucial in an interview, what makes them hire the applicant is the character traits they exhibit.

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What is it like to have a positive mindset?

Just like we said, people with strong, desirable mindsets are easily spotted in any crowd. Their entire existence screams special. Here are just a few of the admirable characteristics these special people show when you work with them:

  • They are open to challenges.
  • They strive for learning with a passion that never fades out.
  • They are inspired by success stories and feel good when they meet successful people.
  • They think of failure as an essential part of progress, not a setback.
  • They think constructive criticism and evolve based on it.
  • They persist until they achieve the result they desire.
  • They are confident and self-assured.
  • They are not lucky. They take risks, so they get more chances to earn success.
  • They focus, throw away distractions, and get everything done.

How can a negative mindset harm you?


Look at the list above. How many of these items stand true for yourself when you carefully consider your attitude? Do you look at challenges as a door to learning something new, or are you scared off by the risk of failing at something you have never done before?

Do you let the success of those around you inspire you to try harder or threaten your own situation and make you feel bad inside?

Do you try to use feedback to your advantage, or do you drown in the sadness of being criticized? Do you fail, learn your lesson, and then try again, or do you give up the instance you smell failure?

If the answers to these questions do not make you happy, then you might want to consider changing how you feel, how you see, and how you believe because negative thinking is the last thing you want in your life since it gets you nowhere near success.

If you let the smallest obstacles stand in your way and hold you back from going on, if you let the less essential things distract you so easily and consume the time you are supposed to spend on working towards achieving your goals, if you start to think you are a professional who does not need to know anything else when in fact you have so many new things to experience so you can overcome any unexpected situation, you are never going to be the person who has a successful story to tell.

As Hugh Dillon says:

“Life is too short to spend in negativity. So I have made a conscious effort to not be where I don’t want to be. “

In the end, you are going to envy anyone who got to anywhere, thinking they made it big because they had the power of fortune or luck by their side, while the thing that really stopped you from being like them was your view of the world, your attitude, your mindset.

You let the world limit your authorization because you decided to limit the possibilities that could take you to the place you deserve.

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7 Mindset Qualities That Are Attractive To Employers

1. Commitment

Employers think the most important thing for a worker is to stay committed to their work under any circumstances. They think of commitment as an essential quality in an employee. Put yourself in your employer’s shoes.

Would you even want to consider hiring someone who you know would not give it all they have got? The importance of commitment is evident because it is the first thing that is needed to finish a task or project successfully.

Commitment brings respect and trust with itself. Without it, any job on any level seems like a pointless waste of time. Any work done without commitment is thought of as perfunctory and superficial.

2. Honesty


Surely you are not surprised to hear that employees want their staff to be honest. You can be the most skilful, experienced, and proficient person on the plant; still, no one would want to work with you if they doubt your sense of honesty.

The main thing you need to earn in the workplace is trust. Honest employees are clear about their work, admit their mistakes, and meet the employer and coworkers with nothing but facts and truth. You can fake being a professional and learn your way while you continue to work.

But you can never fake honesty. You may get past the interview, but once you violate the integrity of any standard workplace, you instantly lose everything you have earned as a valuable worker.

Make sure you accept honesty as an essential trait for yourself. Because without honesty, you don’t just lose one quality that employers look for; you lose the chance to display accountability and trustworthiness.

3. Flexibility


If you want to survive in any work environment, you need to adapt yourself quickly to the current situation and any other different situation down the road. You need to welcome changes and act upon them. The employers will sure have a favorable opinion about you once they know you are not afraid of challenging situations and respond to them in the best possible way.

Have you ever worked in the same place for a long time? If yes, try to remember the first day you started working there. Try to think of the environment, personnel, and conditions you started to work with at the earliest stage of your job.

Now compare that early situation with the situation you currently have or last had in the same workplace. Has anything changed? Are you still working with the same people with no change in the staff? Are you still asked to do the same work you were asked to do then?

Indeed something must have changed because it is a part of any standard workplace. You could not have made it to this day, coming this far, if it was not for your remarkable flexibility and adaptability.

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4. Accountability


Accountability means responsibility. You need to prove to your employer that they can count on you. Go beyond the description that defines your job. Do the things that gain the trust of your employers. Take responsibility for things that go wrong and try to improve the situation for yourself and everyone else.

Accountability gains the respect of others and shows them you are willing to help no matter what. You instantly become employable when you demonstrate a side of yourself that holds getting things done in the best way is the most important thing.

5. Reliability

From the start, you must build your relationship with employers and coworkers on trust. If you show everyone your morality and reliability are your strong points, the situation will quickly change in your favour.

Being reliable does not only mean that you are someone who would not harm the workplace in any financial or integral aspect.

In addition, it means you establish yourself as someone your coworkers and manager trust. They believe you will successfully accomplish any task, meeting the deadline, doing whatever that is requested of you completely.

6. Determination


Do you try your hardest to overcome any obstacle that comes in the way of your accomplishments? Try to show this to the potential employer.

You should definitely be persistent if you want to stay at a job. No one would like to hire someone who gives up so easily with the first problem that comes their way.

Determination is linked to resilience. No setbacks should be significant enough for you to grow out of your passion. You will thank yourself for being determined and persistent, not only for getting a job but for the future it guarantees for you.

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7. Ambition

It is one thing to work hard, and it is a whole other thing to work hard for a greater purpose. Ambition is what makes you attractive to employers. Any good employer values a worker who dreams big and looks positively to their career prospects.

Goals impact your work and motivation positively. So you are a good choice for the employers since you have something to keep you motivated and work harder.

In conclusion, showing your strong mindset qualities, improving how you view the business world and developing the desirable traits alongside the necessary hard skills increases the chance of finding your ideal job. A positive mindset also makes everything easier for you at work.

These are all the qualities you need to develop in yourself as an essential quality not just so you can get the job, but also to stay and survive in the job so you can progress. They are not only attractions; they are also weapons for fighting your way in the business world.

Staying true to your values will take you places in no time.

And the best values you can set for yourself are the things that do not change over time. Knowledge becomes useless, skills become obsolete and out of fashion, but mindset never gets irrelevant to the job market. Mindset stays consistent and desirable because it is everything that helps you function well.

Source: https://mindsetopia.com/mindset-qualities-that-are-attractive-to-employers/

